Sew your halloween bag

Halloween Geister Tasche kostenloses Schnittmuster
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English sewing instruction

I proudly present my first english sewing instruction. It’s quite exciting for me to reach out to an english audience. But since I got requests if my Halloween pattern is also available in english, I couldn’t resist to translate it.

Next by my side is Maarika from LiiviundLiivi, who pushed me into this new expirience. I am very thankful for her help and translation of the ebook. She attended already so many of my Tutorials and she had been a pattern tester two years ago, when the halloween bag got released in german first. So don’t worry you won’t have to deal with my english in the ebook. She did an excellent translation and even the tester-ladys couldn’t find any mistakes.

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Download at makerist

So don’t hesitate to buy the pattern, because halloween is coming soon and I can imagine your kids will love the hungry Ghost!

Maybe I can tell you a secret, it’ll be interesting for you to come back to my site, because the next english pattern is already planned.

Happy sewing,





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